Application Process

Notes For Applicants


These notes have been written for people looking to apply for housing with Morrigan Housing Co-op and will hopefully explain some of the principles, ideas and structures of the Co-op. Please read these notes before you fill in your application form.

What is Morrigan Housing Co-op?

Morrigan Housing Co-op opened in 1979 and consists of one large shred house for 4 lesbians and three smaller two bedroomed properties..

Location, location, location

Our properties are sited in Nottingham and are all close to local shopping amenities (some great eating places too). A walk into the city centre takes approx 20 minutes. There are also Tram stops nearby that run every 5-10 minutes which go all over Nottingham. Each street and each house has its own character and personality and it is important that applicants are aware that this will normally be a factor when it comes to filling vacancies.

Finding a room in the co-op

The people who live in each house are responsible for interviewing and selecting prospective housemates, to ensure that they maintain a balance in their house where each member feels comfortable with one another and gets along (at least most of the time!). It’s important to make sure that you know what you want from a house too, as you have to be happy where you live and with the people you live with. Each house interview has to be a two-way process – the house members will ask you questions but feel free to ask a few yourself.

Morrigan Housing co-op

Shared House Kitchen

Who are you?

It takes a certain sort of person to live in a co-op. Being happy to share with others is not enough – as with other co-ops we insist on a level of participation and responsibility that is far higher than that expected in other forms of housing. Applicants should be aware that a lot will be expected and requested of them once they join the Co-op. If this does not appeal to you please do not apply.


We all have to try to get along and this is especially true within shared housing. Living and sharing with others can be difficult if people do not understand that this means having a reasonable level of open-mindedness and tolerance towards others.

Getting involved in the Co-op

Each member of The Co-op is guaranteed an equal say in the running of The Co-op, via our monthly General Meetings, which all members are required to attend as part of their tenancy agreement. The meetings allow members to discuss and vote on issues arise, elect and hear back from Committee representatives, find out the latest news and generally catch up with each other. These meetings operate by a conduct policy. On the whole they are friendly, social affairs and offer a great opportunity to become actively involved in the running and management of your community.


Under the terms of their tenancy, all members are required to attend at least three quarters of General Meetings a year and be actively involved in the running of The Co-op. Given that most housing associations do not provide tenants with any say in the running of their housing, we feel that this represents a small effort on the part of each member to ensure that The Co-op continues to thrive as it has for the past 40 years. Members can also join the Management Committee and/or various Working Groups which manage the day-to-day business of The Co-op.

Rules and Policies

The Co-op has various rules and policies that members are required to abide by. All rules and policies are defined and decided by members in general meeting.