About Us

Morrigan Housing Co-operative provides safe, affordable housing for lesbians in Nottingham

We are totally autonomous and own one large shared house and three smaller two bedroom properties which are run by the management committee. The management committee comprises of all the tenants and has monthly meetings to discuss the running of the properties. In this sense we have control over our own housing. We set our own rent levels and prioritise repairs and future plans.

It also an opportunity for you to bring your existing skills to the co-op and develop new ones. Each member also becomes part of a sub-group (accounts/building/outreach), to maintain the day to day running of the co-op. This is part of your tenancy agreement.

We are registered with a Friendly Society and are regulated by the FSA to whom we submit an annual return each year.

We have a two stage application process which involves filling out an application form and coming for an informal interview if the first stage is successful.

This is a great opportunity to have control over your housing in an age where some private landlords have basically got you over a financial barrel. Not to mention the undoubted homophobia that still exists from landlords that is experienced by a lot of lesbians.